Surgery is a big deal with no adrenal glands. All that cutting into skin and stuff is stressful to the body. With no adrenals to increase cortisol and offset the body's biological need, patients with adrenal insufficiency (primary or secondary) must take extra cortisol for that surgery. It is a whole big thing that we patients have to do to make sure we don't die on the table -- even before we can think about the success or complications of the surgery we are undergoing that day!!
I realized that I posted this to my Fight Cushing's with Moxie page on Facebook but not here on my blog. So, today we go back in time a bit to ensure this important message is here with all the rest of them!
July 21, 2020
AI’s always on my mind, sung to the tune of Elvis' You are always on my mind (btw Elvis had Cushing's, you know!)
Today I checked into the hospital for gall bladder surgery. It’s my first surgery since becoming permanently adrenal insufficient in 12/31/2013 when I had both adrenal glands removed. I’ve done everything I’m supposed to do to prepare, and I’ve increased the basal rate on my infusion pump to dispense 6 units of cortisol per hour (3 mg HC). I’ve spoken to surgeon, endocrinologist, and anesthesiologist about my steroid plan for surgery. I will remind everyone again this am what I require. This is a day surgery, and with proper steroid replacement, I hope to be home return home today.
p.s I tested negative for covid Sunday.