Saturday, November 2, 2013

Patient Access to Current Medical Literature

File this one under Learn Something New Every Day.  To me, this is a BIG SOMETHING.

Doing research? Do you want to read a recent article? 

The Endocrine Society grants access to patients upon request.


Patient Request for Copy of an Article Recently Published by The Endocrine Society Journals

Please use this request for articles recently published in The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & MetabolismEndocrinology,Molecular Endocrinology, or Endocrine Reviews.

Note that all articles published more than 12 months ago back to 1997 are free to all online.

To receive your copy of the requested article, please provide the following information:

  • Article information, including author(s), title of journal, title of article, issue date and page number. This information is available free online for all articles in the Table of Contents.
  • Your name and e-mail address.
Please e-mail this information to Scott C. Herman at so that the staff at The Endocrine Society can assist you.


For additional patient information on hormone-related conditions, free publications and a physician referral, visit The Hormone Foundation at The Hormone Foundation, the public education affiliate of The Endocrine Society, serves as a resource by promoting the prevention, treatment and cure of hormone-related conditions through outreach and education.