Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Bedside update

With Melissa now in recovery, the good news is she feels awful! This is a good sign that maybe the cushing's is gone with that tumor. She is managing now that she recieved her first post op dose of hydrocortisone an hour ago. Poor thing is still in quite a bit of pain and discomfort from all the rattling around done in her head. Will be moving out of recovery soon.

One 4mm tumor successfully removed!

Melissa is in recovery and the doctor said he was able to remove a 4-5mm tumor from the right side of the glad! No csf leaks or other complication to this point. Also didn't have to cut the gland so hopefully function of glad should be good. Waiting to go back to recovery, hopefully within the hour. Thanks everyone for your support and good thoughts!

Surgery is done... waiting for update

The doctor just finished the operation. Waiting for him to come out and fill in the details now. I'll post more info as I get it.

Pit tumor part deux - update

Nurse just updated us... Melissa is stable and doing well. Doctor is still operating and will update us with what he finds when finished.

Procedure underway

Melissa was wheeled back into surgery about 1 hour ago at 7:45 CST. First update due at around 10 AM CST.


We made it here 10 minutes before report time of 5:15 am. I'm standing in a line with 7 people ahead of me... All of us waiting to check in!! All of these people in this massive hospital complex are here because they have or support someone with a tumor. All of them scared like me but taking the steps to get better. Wow.



Here we go!

I just jumped online to schedule an appointment for my 5 day 8am blood draw, so I thought I would say HELLO!

I am super excited -- and pretty calm -- to be going on to surgery.  A Cushie lives to get to that 'next step' -- in this case -- pituitary surgery number 2.  The day is here, and I am ready.

Stay tuned and my husband and I will update here when we can. 

If you think about me today, I ask you to consider donating $10 to the I would never have known about Cushing's and how to get help without the founder MaryO and all the kind souls there. Click here to see how important this community is to me.

See you on the other side of Cushing's!!!

~Moxie Melissa